Water is Life: Traditional Owner Access to Water Roadmap
'By refusing to contemplate amendments of existing allocations and excluding the possibility of...
Water Surface Take – Wet Seasons Flows Policy – Northern Territory – Draft for Consultation
'The draft does not provide sufficient detail to assess the policy’s medium and long term impact....
Submission: Chalumbin Wind Farm
"The Chalumbin Wind Farm project establishes a damaging precedent by placing renewable energy...
King Island Attenuation Zone review submission
'The Metals 6 tungsten mine requested the Tas government to impose and attenuation zone on the...
Draft Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management Plan
'This is a good beginning, and we thank the Cradle Coast NRM staff for the effort they have put...
Submission: Brickworks site in Burwood
Submission to Box Hill Council on the excision of the wetland rehabilitation for the development...